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October 2021 CCREIA Meeting Topic: Rental Strategies - AirBNB, VRBO or Rent Annually?

10/14/2021 9:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

October 2021 CCREIA Meeting Topic:
Rental Strategies - AirBNB, VRBO or Rent Annually?

Join us this Thursday to learn from some dynamic, local, Short Term Rental (STR) investors that own properties at the beaches, mountains & in the downtown areas.  Our presenters will be Joe Prillaman (in person) & David Billito via Zoom. They will be available to explain what they do and provide information on the following:

  1. General overview of Short Term Rentals (STR) and the unique opportunities here in New Hanover County.
  2. Running numbers and estimating STR gross income vs. Net Income 
  3. Best Practices and tips for operating a short term rental. 
  4. Short term rental platforms (AirBNB, VRBO & others)
  5. Software
  6. Managing the property
  7. Pro’s & Con’s of the 3 strategies
  8. Ideas to be most successful & some things you definitely don’t want to do

More About Our Presenters
About Joe Prillaman
Joe & his wife purchased their first investment property in Fayetteville, NC in 2018. Their current portfolio consists of 9 properties and 16 doors. 10 of the doors are short term rentals in Carolina Beach, NC. They have over 1000 reviews on Airbnb and this last year they have maintained a 94% occupancy rate while generating over $500,000 in gross income. They have maintained an average of 4.9 star rating on Airbnb since starting short term rentals in 2019 and this year alone have hosted over 800 reservations. 
About David Billito
Dave and his wife Pam were some of the early operators of short term rentals in Downtown Wilmington.  They have experience renting through AirBNB and through their own website.  They also own properties in the NC mountains and are very creative with their investments

Pizza & drinks (and cookies if you arrive early enough) will be served.

We recommend that attendees are vaccinated or wear masks or are in compliance with the latest with NC & CDC guidelines.

We'd love to see you there! Please RSVP with the link above so we know how much food to order!

~Coastal REIA Board

PS - Unless noted on the calendar/email notice otherwise, CCREIA meetings are always held the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Coastal Carolina Real Estate Investors Association P.O. Box 551 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
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