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  • Monthly Meeting - November 2021 - 4th Quarter Round Tables & Networking

Monthly Meeting - November 2021 - 4th Quarter Round Tables & Networking

  • 11/11/2021
  • 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Blue Mind Co-Working 301 Government Center Dr. Wilmington, NC 28403


  • Free admission to active military or student w proper ID
  • Active member of CCREIA
  • Monthly meeting guest

Registration is closed

November 2021 CCREIA Meeting Topic:
4th Quarter Round Tables & Networking

Join us this month for one of our member favorites,  Round Tables & Networking meetings. We've had so much great attendance and info-packed meetings over the last few months and we'd LOVE a chance to sit down with new & seasoned members and get to know our CCREIA member & guest roster even better. 

While we don't have "round" tables anymore (long time members might remember the round conference tables from back in the CCREIA old library meeting location days), we're keeping the spirit of those meetings alive by meeting in small groups to discuss a variety of real estate investing topics. Each topic is is discussed for a given time limit and then we'll switch (either tables or topics) to give everyone a chance to meet others and learn something new. 

Bring any real estate deals you're working on to share and business cards to pass around to other attendees. These meetings are by far one of the best networking opportunities for anyone looking to build their team and get to know other investors in our area!

If you'd like to discuss particular topics or have something you're dying to learn about, email us at (ideally before the meeting) and we'll compile a master list of topic ideas!

As always, pizza, drinks and cookies will be available. Please REGISTER for the meeting so we don't run out of food (looking at you October meeting)! We'd love to see you there!

~ Coastal REIA Board

Covid Guidelines: We recommend that attendees are vaccinated and/or wear masks or are in compliance with the latest with NC & CDC guidelines.

PS - Unless noted on the calendar/email notice otherwise, CCREIA meetings are always held the 2nd Thursday of each month.

**Active military and students w proper ID are admitted to meetings for FREE! Please email for a registration code that can be used to register free of charge! Include a screenshot of your ID or let us know you plan to bring your ID with you to present at check-in!**

Coastal Carolina Real Estate Investors Association P.O. Box 551 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
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