Messy Deals?? – Clean them up & cash the check
Karl Spielvogel “AKA Uncle Karl” will show you how to get tough deals closed. Karl focuses on putting together the deals that most won’t even attempt. He will share the many ways he successfully structures deals & finances them creatively.
Learn how to clean up and close the following:
We'd love to see you there! Please RSVP so we know how much food to order! Pizza & drinks (and cookies if you arrive early enough) will be served.
**Active military and students w proper ID are admitted to meetings for FREE! Please email for a registration code that can be used to register free of charge! Include a screenshot of your ID or let us know you plan to bring your ID with you to present at check-in! **
~Coastal REIA Board
Guests: $20
Active Military & Students - FREE w ID
Coastal REIA Members - FREE