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  • Monthly Meeting September 2023 -Expect The Unexpected - Explore Real-Life Real Estate Challenges and Solutions

Monthly Meeting September 2023 -Expect The Unexpected - Explore Real-Life Real Estate Challenges and Solutions

  • 09/07/2023
  • 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM
  • The Terraces on Sir Tyler Ballroom 1826 Sir Tyler Drive Wilmington NC 28405


  • Free admission to active military or student w proper ID
  • Individual, Board or Premium Vendor
  • Guest (Non-Member)

Registration is closed

Monthly Meeting September 2023 -Expect The Unexpected - Explore Real-Life Real Estate Challenges and Solutions

Real estate investing often follows a meticulously planned path, but what happens when unexpected curveballs disrupt your journey? Where do you turn, and how do you successfully navigate these unforeseen challenges that occasionally crop up in the world of real estate?

Our September meeting will feature a panel of seasoned, local real estate investors sharing their authentic tales of encounters with various real estate predicaments and their adept strategies for overcoming them. Topics include:

  1. Insurance Claims
  2. Dealing with Tenants and Sellers Passing Away
  3. Managing Evictions
  4. Handling Abandoned Properties
  5. Coping with Criminal Activity or Police Involvement
  6. Battling Bees and Infestations
  7. Addressing Graves or Bodies on the Property

What You'll Learn:

  • Discover the Causes: Uncover the origins of these unexpected situations.
  • Witness the Events: Delve into the stories behind these incidents. 
  • Navigate the Tough Moments: Explore those inevitable "Oh @#&$ moments."
  • Learn the Solutions: Understand how savvy investors resolved these predicaments.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from the experiences of others and bring your own stories to the table.

We'd love to see you there! Please RSVP so we know how much food to order! Pizza & drinks (and cookies if you arrive early enough) will be served.

**Active military and students w proper ID are admitted to meetings for FREE! Please email for a registration code that can be used to register free of charge! Include a screenshot of your ID or let us know you plan to bring your ID with you to present at check-in! **

~Coastal REIA Board

Guests: $20

Active Military & Students - FREE w ID

Coastal REIA Members - FREE

Coastal Carolina Real Estate Investors Association P.O. Box 551 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
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